Focusing on installation management as a way to ensure the quality of commercial products and help solve the construction industry labor shortage

YKK AP doesn’t just manufacture windows and front doors for residential buildings—our other products include building sashes and curtain walls (CWs) (*1). These items only function when installed at a residence, building, or other site. Installation greatly affects the final quality, as much as the product itself.
Yasutoki Hori is involved in high-rise building construction as head of the Installation Management Group, Nagoya Branch, High Rise Building Division. We spoke with him about quality management and initiatives, including efforts to solve issues in the construction industry through human resource development to cope with the labor shortage and aging, as well as efforts to pass down skills to younger workers.

The job of installation managers at high-rise construction sites

High-rise construction involves combining skills from 27 different, specialized professions, including carpenters and plasterers. YKK AP’s role spans from manufacturing sashes and CWs to drafting installation plans and installing the actual products.

Installation technicians are the ones who actually install sashes and CWs. As a fittings business operator, YKK AP stations expert installation managers  at construction sites around the nation to provide guidance and manage the installation, ensuring that products are accurately and safely installed.

As of April 2023, YKK AP has 252 installation managers who are in charge of safety, process, and quality management at installation sites. They also build cooperative relationships with technicians to help construct the best high-rise buildings through sash and CW installation.

Four main goals of installation management

  1. Safety management: Preventing accidents
  2. Quality management: Ensuring installation quality
  3. Cost management: Working to cut construction costs
  4. Process management: Completing the job within the construction period

These are all mutually connected—sashes and CWs cannot be installed at a high-quality level if one of these goals is missing—and it’s important to comprehend the significance and purpose of each.

With the increased necessity of environmentally friendly construction in recent years, managers also take on tasks such as implementing the “3R activities” (reduce, reuse, and recycle) at plants and using less packaging material when shipping products from plants.

Exceptional safety

Among these goals, safety is of premium importance. One large CW unit weights several hundred kilograms. Serious accidents can occur if technicians do not follow the determined process or if overfamiliarity leads them to relax their guard. That’s why we produce written installation plans before the job starts and make sure they are followed as a way to prevent unsafe actions and situations. We patrol construction sites to provide detailed guidance and talk with the people there. For instance, we might say, “Here’s what you need to watch out for.” This is a small thing, but it’s important to have a constant awareness of safety. And we don’t just criticize; we also tell workers what they are doing correctly, which helps improve attention and raise awareness. Striving for zero work-related injuries or deaths, we hold morning meetings to share information about accidents that have occurred, including those at other sites. Another part of our job is to suggest safer installation methods.

The key is a good relationship with the YKK AP Group Installation Cooperative

Advanced technological capabilities are needed to accurately install sashes and CWs at high-rise buildings. YKK AP founded the YKK AP Group Installation Cooperative in 1992 with highly skilled technicians across the country. The members include 2,087 people from 490 companies nationwide (as of April 2023), and the cooperative is active at its branches throughout Japan. A continually positive relationship with the cooperative is essential for maintaining and improving installation quality. We do not have contractor/subcontractor relationships with the members; rather, YKK AP serves as the secretariat to work in an integrated way with technicians. We cooperate with them to ensure the quality of finished installations, and work to construct even better high-rise buildings with our sashes and CWs.

YKK AP Group Installation Cooperative Chairman Ryo Nonoyama, president of HODUMI Co., Ltd., stated, “We can’t build great things unless the cooperative and installation managers are on the same page for meeting deadlines, preventing major problems and accidents, and completing the job in a way that inspires future orders. We must do our jobs while feeling like we are all members of the same company.” He also said, “The past goal was simply to complete the construction, but today we are implementing a trial-and-error process together, including efforts to train young people and test new installation methods. Mr. Hori gives me suggestions when I ask about how to ensure profit while maintaining safety and boosting installation capabilities. We can only improve installation efficiency if the installation managers have a sense of motivation. We have a positive relationship because their job includes this type of management.”

(Left) Chairman Nonoyama with Hori  (Right) Chairman Nonoyama providing installation guidance

Serious issues due to an insufficient number of installation managers and technicians, who are aging

An issue in the high-rise building construction industry is the lack of installation managers and technicians. These workers are also aging. We are hoping to train young people who will take over, but it’s difficult to find them, perhaps because they see construction as a tough job. This is a major problem threatening business continuation. I also think young people aren’t interested in this job because it is dangerous, and sometimes they must work from morning to night with few days off. But this may be a chance as well as a challenge, and I believe there will be more opportunities if young people enter this industry. That’s why we must start by thinking about how to hire young people, and then make sure they stay in their positions.

Working to pass down skills and develop human resources

In FY2013, the YKK AP Group Installation Cooperative established the YKK AP Installation Skills Training Academy for training young employees as a way to help resolve these issues. It is an educational facility for mastering, refining, and passing down skills, and provides support for helping young people inherit these abilities (something that has become more difficult due to the labor shortage and aging). The cooperative also started the Youth Division in 2015 with the goal of developing and acquiring young, next-generation human resources—not just installation technicians, but also employees in other fields like business management. This division focuses on passing down skills and cultivating human resources.


Chairman Nonoyama established the Youth Division. Regarding technicians in particular, he said, “Besides training, we also have to reform work styles to prevent turnover among young employees. This includes providing days off and creating systems for employee benefits and retirement.”

It's also important to offer opportunities to young people. Making time for training is difficult because the high-rise construction process is so precise. Young technicians also work slower than veteran employees, which means they have fewer chances to gain experience. I believe that one part of an installation manager’s job is to negotiate with the construction companies who are our clients. Of course veteran employees are capable, but we can’t develop young, inexperienced employees without giving them the chance to do on-site work. It's true that there  are difficulties when using less-experienced technicians, who require more guidance, but I want to help them grow by providing actual experience.

In the past, a young employee of Nonoyama’s company was behaving in a  dangerous way at a construction site. Nonoyama told me he was going to remove the young technician. I could have used my position as an installation manager to reshuffle the workers, but I wasn’t interested in doing so because I wanted to help train this employee. I believe that scrutiny can improve awareness and encourage growth, and I asked Nonoyama to give him one more chance. I explained to the employee that many people were involved in winning this order, and that our job is founded on trust between us and the customer. I wanted to make him more aware of his job, with a stronger sense of responsibility. Since then, he has worked hard and followed the rules.


I also make sure to speak with young employees at job sites, telling them, “You’ve improved!” or “You should watch out for this thing.”

What makes installation management an appealing job

I think the best aspect of this job is being a part of creating actual high-rise buildings—I can show my friends and family members the buildings that I helped construct. Of course there are many difficult things, but there are lots of enjoyable parts as well, and I feel a sense of achievement working on buildings that become city landmarks.

To ensure that we aren’t the last of our kind, the most important part of our role is passing down what we know to future generations. That’s why I hope to be someone whom young people can look up to. I will keep cooperating with technicians as we construct buildings that remain for future generations.

Installation skill progress, and what the future holds

In addition to safety, YKK AP is making new efforts to maintain quality and accuracy while shortening installation processes. This includes implementing installation methods that require fewer workers, coming up with simpler installation methods, and using robots. I think that initiatives will be carried out using IT for better work efficiency, process management, and to train young people.

In addition to this tangible progress, I also believe we must build a pleasant working environment. By passing down skills, working to train young people, and reforming work styles, I think the YKK AP Group Installation Cooperative will help solve issues and change the way of thinking in the industry. I also hope that young people will be interested in high-rise building installation as the labor environment changes along with the times in the construction industry.

*1: A curtain wall (CW) is a curtain-like exterior wall that does not contribute to the building structure, used in high-rise and other buildings. It has a structure made of pillars and beams with an outer wall constructed from aluminum, glass, and other materials. YKK AP started its Global Curtain Wall Business Division in April 2023 and is further enhancing its domestic and international CW business.

Yasutoki Hori

Yasutoki Hori

Head of the Installation Management Group, Nagoya Branch, High Rise Building Division, YKK AP

Has worked in installation management since joining YKK AP as a mid-career hire in 2007. In his current position, he has been in charge of overall installation management at the Nagoya Branch since FY2021.

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