Environmental Management

Environmental Management

In addition to complying with environment-related laws, regulations, agreements, and voluntary management standards, YKK AP is working to clarify risks and opportunities in its business and strengthen global environmental management by the senior leadership.
In addition, the YKK AP Group (Japan) operates an integrated company-wide ISO 14001 system to ensure structured operation of its environmental management system. Each of our overseas business sites has acquired and is implementing ISO 14001 certification, and all employees are united in their efforts to promote environmental management.

Environmental Promotion Structure

As part of our environment-friendly practies, the YKK AP Environmental Policy Board Committee, chaired by the president, formulates and approves management policies and strategies regarding climate change and other environmental policies from a management perspective, and confirms the progress thereof. The YKK AP Environment Committee implements these environmental management policies and strategies in sales, development, technology, manufacturing, supply, administration, and overseas divisions, and confirms their implementation status through internal environmental audits among divisions.

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Contents under the scroll bar
Environmental Promotion Structure

Environmental Targets

YKK AP sets environmental targets for each medium term based on "how we ought to be" for 2050 and Environmental Management Policy.
Under the 6th Mid-term Environmental Business Plan (FY2021–FY2024), we are working toward "how we ought to be" for 2050 by backcasting our targets for 2030, and then setting mid-term achievement targets to be achieved in FY2024, on the basis of which we will set numerical targets and action plans for each fiscal year.

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Contents under the scroll bar
Environmental Issues and Initiatives

*1 Ratio of input of recycled materials from the market to the input of aluminum raw materials

*2 Rate of internal reuse of internally generated vinyl scraps

Environmental Management System Accreditation

In March 2023, the YKK AP Group (Japan) underwent a periodic audit by an external review organization using the 2015 edition of ISO 14001. The results showed the environmental management system to be functioning effectively as an environmental management tool. Eleven of our overseas business sites have obtained ISO 14001 certification.

Percentage of companies certified to ISO 14001 environmental management standards

* Missing parts of the table can be viewed by sliding the cursor to the side.
  FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Manufacturing 80% 80% 80% 82%
Sales, other 42% 38% 38% 31%
Total 59% 57% 57% 52%

Number of Pollution and Environmental Incidents

* Missing parts of the table can be viewed by sliding the cursor to the side.
  FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Number of pollution and environmental incidents 0 0 0 0

YKK AP Group(Japan+overseas)Results

Percentage of employees who have received training on environmental issues

* Missing parts of the table can be viewed by sliding the cursor to the side.
  FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Environmental training participation rate 100% 100% 100% 100%
Environmental activities (SDGs Action) participation rate 94% 98% 99% 99%

YKK AP Group(Japan)Results

Material Flow

Energy Conservation・Prevention of Global Warming

Energy Use by Type

Energy Use by Type
Energy Use by Type
* Missing parts of the table can be viewed by sliding the cursor to the side.
(Base year)
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Total electricity 514.15 GWh 432.07 GWh 472.46 GWh 476.62 GWh 456.69 GWh
of which renewable energy 0.38 GWh 7.64 GWh 10.60 GWh 63.45 GWh 74.47 GWh
A heavy fuel 12.25 megaliters 8.73 megaliters 9.45 megaliters 9.42 megaliters 9.01 megaliters
C heavy fuel 0.05 megaliters 0.26 megaliters 0.35 megaliters 0.45 megaliters 0.36 megaliters
Kerosene 10.95 megaliters 7.15 megaliters 7.91 megaliters 7.51 megaliters 6.98 megaliters
Town gas 3.463 million m3 3.755 million m3 4.146 million m3 3.945 million m3 3.728 million m3
Natural gas 7.038 million m3 6.798 million m3 7.360 million m3 8.265 million m3 8.131 million m3
LNG 0.99 kt 1.11 kt 1.00 kt 0.98 kt 1.04 kt
LPG 5.86 kt 6.09 kt 6.74 kt 6.71 kt 6.46 kt
Diesel oil 0.80 megaliters 1.22 megaliters 1.24 megaliters 1.30 megaliters 1.08 megaliters
Gasoline 0.33 megaliters 0.07 megaliters 0.06 megaliters 0.05 megaliters 0.05 megaliters
Wood - - - - 2.33 kt
Total energy (crude oil equivalent) 174.30 megaliters 147.38 megaliters 160.64 megaliters 161.41 megaliters 140.77 megaliters
Total energy consumption 998 GWh 849 GWh 926 GWh 935 GWh 890 GWh

YKK AP Group (Japan+overseas) Results

Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Scopes 1 and 2)

* Missing parts of the table can be viewed by sliding the cursor to the side.
(Base year)
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Scope1: Direct emissions 107 kt CO2 90 kt CO2 98 kt CO2 99 kt CO2 92 kt CO2
Scope2: Emissions from electricity used 323 kt CO2 212 kt CO2 227 kt CO2 205 kt CO2 193 kt CO2
Scopes 1+2 430 kt CO2 303 kt CO2 325 kt CO2 304 kt CO2 285 kt CO2
CO2 emissions per unit of net sales 107t CO2/100 million yen 75t CO2/100 million yen 73t CO2/100 million yen 61t CO2/100 million yen 53t CO2/100 million yen

YKK AP Group(Japan)Results

Renewable Energy Ratio

* Missing parts of the table can be viewed by sliding the cursor to the side.
  FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Renewable energy ratio 1.8% 2.2% 13.3% 16.3%

YKK AP Group(Japan+overseas)Results
*Percentage of total electricity derived from renewable energy sources

Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Scope3)

* Missing parts of the table can be viewed by sliding the cursor to the side.
(Base year)
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
(Greenhouse gas emissions)
1,922 kt CO2 1,523 kt CO2 1,770 kt CO2 1,741 kt CO2 1,727 kt CO2

YKK AP Group (Japan+overseas) Results
Note: Based on the latest CO2 emission coefficients, retroactively revised for past years

FY2023 Breakdown of CO2 emissions from the entire supply chain*

* Missing parts of the table can be viewed by sliding the cursor to the side.
  Japan Overseas Total
Scope1: Direct emissions 70.7 kt CO2 21.4 kt CO2 92.0 kt CO2
Scope2: Emissions from electricity used 146.2 kt CO2 47.3 kt CO2 193.4 kt CO2
Scope3 Purchased goods and services 1,067.9 kt CO2 350.2 kt CO2 1,418.1 kt CO2
Capital goods 135.4 kt CO2 48.8 kt CO2 184.2 kt CO2
Fuel-and energy-related activities not included in scope1 or scope2 25.9 kt CO2 5.0 kt CO2 30.9 kt CO2
Upstream transportation and distribution 34.7 kt CO2 9.2 kt CO2 43.9 kt CO2
Waste generated in operations 0.5 kt CO2 1.1 kt CO2 1.5 kt CO2
Business travel 5.1 kt CO2 0.3 kt CO2 5.3 kt CO2
Employee commuting 13.0 kt CO2 0.4 kt CO2 13.4 kt CO2
Upstream leased assets 0.0 kt CO2 0.0 kt CO2 0.0 kt CO2
Downstream transportation and distribution 1.1 kt CO2 5.2 kt CO2 6.2 kt CO2
Processing of sold products 13.2 kt CO2 1.7 kt CO2 14.9 kt CO2
Use of sold products 0.0 kt CO2 0.0 kt CO2 0.0 kt CO2
End-of-life treatment of sold products 6.8 kt CO2 2.0 kt CO2 8.7 kt CO2
Downstream leased assets 0.0 kt CO2 0.0 kt CO2 0.0 kt CO2
Franchises 0.0 kt CO2 0.0 kt CO2 0.0 kt CO2
Investments 0.0 kt CO2 0.0 kt CO2 0.0 kt CO2
Scope3 Total 1,303.5 kt CO2 423.8 kt CO2 1,727.3 kt CO2
Scope1,2, and 3 Total 1,520.4 kt CO2 492.4 kt CO2 2,012.8 kt CO2

YKK AP Group (Japan+overseas) Results
Note: Calculated based on "YKK Group GHG Emissions Calculation and Reporting Guidelines" and "Scope 3 Calculation Method"

Environmentally Conscious Investment Policy and Results

In order to contribute to a sustainable society through our products and monozukuri, YKK AP is actively investing in the development of environmentally friendly products and initiatives to reduce the burden on the global environment, such as reducing CO2 emissions and recycling. At the same time, we will clarify cost-effectiveness and explain our results to stakeholders.

Resource Conservation・Recycling

Waste Emissions and Recycling

* Missing parts of the table can be viewed by sliding the cursor to the side.
(Base year)
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Waste output 20.5 kt 15.4 kt 15.9 kt 15.4 kt 17.4 kt
Waste emissions per unit of net sales* 4.95t/100 million yen
3.82t/100 million yen
3.57t/100 million yen
3.03t/100 million yen
3.23t/100 million yen
Amount of landfill disposal 3.0 kt 1.1 kt 1.2 kt 1.3 kt 1.8 kt
Amount of valuable resources +
Amount of waste recycled
87.9 kt 86.2 kt 95.2 kt 100.2 kt 95.0 kt
Waste recycling rate 97% 99% 99% 99% 98%

YKK AP Group (Japan+overseas Manufacturing sites) Results
*Figures in parentheses indicate a relative amount to the base year, FY2016, which is set at 100

Aluminum Recycling

Because the refining of new aluminum ingots requires a great deal of electricity and generates a large amount of CO2 emissions, improving the recycling rate will contribute to achieving carbon neutrality.
As an initiative in this regard, introducing recycling furnaces will greatly increase the input rate of market-obtained recycled materials, thereby reducing the rate of new ingots used, which leads to significantly reducing CO2 emissions across the entire supply chain.
Starting with introducing a recycling furnace at the Shikoku Plant, we plan to expand this initiative to other sites, and will step up efforts to achieve a 100% recycling rate by 2030.
In addition to improving the recycling rate, we are also working to cut CO2 emissions by promoting the procurement of "green aluminum," which is refined from bauxite using renewable energy.

Vinyl Recycle

During the manufacturing process for vinyl frame materials and vinyl windows, we strive to minimize the generation of vinyl scraps and chips through efficient production. By reclaiming scraps and chips generated from the production process as vinyl materials, we are working to improve the rate at which they are recycled. We are also actively developing new applications for vinyl scraps. We are also engaged in industry-government-academia collaboration to establish a system to collect and recycle vinyl windows once they have been used.

Approach to Water Resources

YKK AP undertakes initiatives to achieve sustainable water use by reducing the amount of water withdrawn and the environmental impact of wastewater discharge through the recycling and reuse of water in the production process.

Water Consumption (Water Withdrawal), Wastewater Discharge

* Missing parts of the table can be viewed by sliding the cursor to the side.
(Base year)
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Water consumption (water withdrawal)*1 12.575 million m3 10.008 million m3 9.840 million m3 8.894 million m3 8.285 million m3
Water use per unit of net sales*2 3,121 m3/100 million yen
2,485 m3/100 million yen
2,205 m3/100 million yen
1,749 m3/100 million yen
1,538 m3/100 million yen
Wastewater discharge*3 11.457 million m3 8.367 million m3 8.447 million m3 6.293 million m3 5.878 million m3

*1 YKK AP Group (Japan+overseas Manufacturing sites) Results

*2 Results for YKK AP Group (domestic + overseas manufacturing sites). Figures in parentheses indicate a relative amount to the base year, FY2013, which is set at 100

*3 YKK AP Group(Japan Manufacturing sites) Results

Pollution Prevention

PRTR Substances, Air Pollutants

* Missing parts of the table can be viewed by sliding the cursor to the side.
  FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
(PRTR substances) Volume handled*1 983t 1,046t 985t 1,008t
(PRTR substances) Emissions*1 50t 54t 52t 73t
(PRTR substances) Transfer amount to sewer system*1 11t 12t 13t 20t
(Air Pollutants) SOx*2 9t 9t 7t 11t
(Air Pollutants) NOx*2 50t 54t 51t 61t

*1 YKK AP(non-consolidated) Results

*2 YKK AP Group(Japan+overseas Manufacturing sites)Results

Pollutants Discharged into Water

* Missing parts of the table can be viewed by sliding the cursor to the side.
  FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Total weight of pollutants discharged into water* 33t 44t 34t 37t

YKK AP Group (Japan Manufacturing sites)

*COD, BOD emission
  BOD: Biochemical oxygen demand (discharge into rivers)
  COD: Chemical oxygen demand (discharge into seas)

Conservation of Biodiversity

Basic Approach

Companies derive enormous benefits from ecosystems, including the use of biological resources and land, and the purification of water and air. Loss of biodiversity is said to pose the risk of a serious economic crisis.
YKK AP's business activities also benefit from biodiversity, and we will contribute to creating a sustainable society by undertaking initiatives for biodiversity in our business activities while minimizing negative impact to the greatest extent possible. Among many challenges we face, we are particularly conscious of "coexistence with nature," and as such, we aim to reduce the use and emission of highly hazardous chemical substances, provide safe and reliable products, and cultivate harmony with the surrounding environment.

Disclosure of Information under the TCFD Recommendations

One of the materialities YKK AP set in 2021 to drive sustainable growth is "Co-existence with the environment," and the company is promoting activities to contribute to reducing environmental impact and mitigating and adapting to climate change by promoting a decarbonized, recycling-based society and expanding sales of environmentally friendly products.
Aiming to achieve "zero environmental burden" throughout the entire lifecycle in business activities by 2050, we are creating environmental value at all stages of the lifecycle and implementing global activities to reduce environmental burdens.
In the area of climate change, which is a core issue within the materiality "Co-existence with the environment," we are working to reduce GHGs and adapt to climate change in all processes of our business activities, with the aim of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. Having obtained SBT certification in January 2019 and endorsing the TCFD recommendations in May 2019, we are assessing the impact of climate-related risks and opportunities on our business activities and reflecting them in our management strategy.


YKK AP has a Board of Directors as the decision-making and oversight body for important matters such as management policy, an Audit & Supervisory Board as the company's auditing organization, and has introduced an Operating Officer System to help the company promote the execution of business and operations.
In particular, sustainability issues are addressed by the "ESG General Meeting," chaired by the president, which conducts cross-functional activities by formulating policies from a company-wide perspective and rolling them out to related divisions and domestic and overseas group companies.
The Environmental Policy Board Committee, which is chaired by the president and has jurisdiction over the environmental area within the ESG General Meeting, formulates and approves environmental policies and strategies, including on climate change, from a management perspective, and monitors their progress. The "Environment Committee" rolls out these environmental policies and strategies to our manufacturing and sales sites in Japan and overseas, and confirms how they are being implemented through mutual internal environment audits.


In line with the TCFD recommendations, we are identifying and assessing the significant risks and opportunities that the issue of climate change poses to the AP Business.

* Missing parts of the table can be viewed by sliding the cursor to the side.
Type Financial impact on the business Measures
Transition risks Reputation Loss of corporate value due to delay in responding to public demands, such as carbon neutrality With an Executive Vice President as project leader, the Carbon Neutrality Project was launched in FY2021, and six working groups were established with the participation of young engineers, with initiatives underway in each group. In FY2023, the target year for achieving carbon neutrality was moved forward from FY2050 to FY2040, demonstrating the increased urgency of our initiatives.
Market Increased costs due to energy resource depletion We are promoting the introduction of high-efficiency equipment (production equipment, lighting, and air conditioning) with the aim of reducing energy consumption per unit of production by 1.3% or more per year over the medium to long term. In addition, we are implementing various measures to reduce energy consumption, such as the use of renewable energy, reductions in air leaks, and reductions in waste heat.
Physical risks Urgent Increased damage from natural disasters, supply chain fragmentation In preparation for disaster and risk occurring, we have formulated BCPs at all locations in Japan and overseas. In addition, after reviewing and updating the Business Continuity Management (BCM) Code to ensure prompt implementation of BCPs, we are working to ensure it is thoroughly instilled across functional axes and on a regional site basis. In addition to purchasing materials from multiple suppliers, understanding and improving the supply chain, and securing inventories of critical management items in case of emergencies, the research and development, manufacturing, and purchasing divisions work together to set up alternative sources of supply, and other efforts taking the BCP into account are conducted from the product development phase.
Chronic Restrictions on business activities due to water shortages caused by reduced rainfall Water is used for cleaning and cooling in our production processes. In some areas, there is a risk of water use restrictions due to drought, and we are working to reduce water consumption by reviewing water intake for industrial use and implementing multi-level use of water, recycling, and reclamation.
Opportunities Products/
Increased demand for high thermal insulation products The APW vinyl window series delivers high thermal insulation performance across the board, and includes the APW 430, a world leader in this regard. By expanding sales of high thermal insulation products like these, we are not just helping to reduce energy consumption, but are also improving indoor thermal environments and providing comfortable living spaces.
Increased demand for carbon-free and recycled-resource products (e.g., recycled aluminum) Since recycling aluminum requires less energy, CO2 emissions can be significantly reduced to only about 3% of those required to produce new aluminum ingots (new metal) from bauxite. By maximizing the use of used aluminum sashes and other materials recovered from the market, we aim to achieve an aluminum recycling rate of 100% by FY2030. To realize this goal, we are introducing an aluminum recycling furnace and developing technologies to separate out impurities.

Risk Management

Risks related to the business as a whole are assessed and reviewed once a year, prioritized by "scale of damage" and "frequency of occurrence," and each risk is managed by the relevant committee or division. Climate change-related risks (natural disasters, inadequate response toenvironmental regulations, etc.) are also identified as key risks and incorporated into the management process, with policies developed and monitored on a global basis by the Environment Committee and the BCM Committee.

Indicators and Targets

In order to achieve carbon neutrality, we have set medium- and long-term goals certified by SBTi and formulated an environmental action plan to achieve them in conjunction with our mid-term business plan. In addition, under the "Evolution 2030" Vision announced in March 2023, we have brought forward our targets to reduce the company's own CO2 emissions by 80% in FY2030 and by 100% in FY2040 (both relative to FY2013). Progress with respect to these indicators and targets is disclosed in the Environmental Report.

* Missing parts of the table can be viewed by sliding the cursor to the side.
Indicators Targets
Scopes 1+2*1 Reductions in YKK AP CO2 emissions 80% reduction by FY2030(relative to FY2013)
Scope 3*1 Reductions in CO2 emissions in the supply chain 30% reduction by FY2030(relative to FY2013)
During product use*2 Increased contributions to CO2 reductions 216% in FY2024*3 (relative to FY2020)

*1 Data from YKK AP Group (Japan + overseas)

*2 Data from YKK AP Group (Japan)

*3 Calculated based on the latest FY2024 plan

Contributions to CO2 Reductions through Products

Contributions to CO2 reductions through high thermal insulation products

* Missing parts of the table can be viewed by sliding the cursor to the side.
  FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Contributions to CO2 reductions through high thermal insulation products 468 kt CO2 548 kt CO2 594 kt CO2 811 kt CO2

YKK AP Group(Japan)Results

Sustainable Products

Sustainable products are defined as architectural products that contribute to achieving the SDGs by solving priority social issues such as energy conservation, easy-installation, disaster prevention/mitigation, safety/security, and health/hygiene.

* Missing parts of the table can be viewed by sliding the cursor to the side.
  FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Rate of sustainable product sales 38.1% 38.4% 37.8% 40.3%

YKK AP Group(Japan+overseas)Results Based on net sales

Rate of Vinyl Window Use

* Missing parts of the table can be viewed by sliding the cursor to the side.
  FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Rate of vinyl window use (For single-family houses) 29% 31% 31% 35%

YKK AP Group(Japan+overseas)Results Rate of vinyl window use in sales for single family homes

Rate of High Thermal Insulation Window Use

* Missing parts of the table can be viewed by sliding the cursor to the side.
  FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Rate of high thermal insulation window use (For single-family houses) 67% 70% 75% 79%

YKK AP Group(Japan)Results Rate of vinyl window and aluminum-vinyl composite windows use in sales for single family homes

Ratio of New Constructions to Remodeling Projects

* Missing parts of the table can be viewed by sliding the cursor to the side.
  FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Ratio of new constructions to remodeling projects Residential New construction 75% New construction 77% New construction 76% New construction 69%
Remodeling 25% Remodeling 23% Remodeling 24% Remodeling 31%
Commercial New construction 76% New construction 70% New construction 69% New construction 67%
Remodeling 24% Remodeling 30% Remodeling 31% Remodeling 33%

YKK AP Group (Japan) Results Based on net sales