Human Rights
Human Resources
Industrial Health and Safety
Health Management
Customer Satisfaction
Supply Chain Management
Innovation Management
Stakeholder Communication
Human Rights
Our Basic View
Of foundational importance to the YKK Group's business activities is the concept of the Cycle of Goodness®, which states that "no one prospers without rendering benefit to others." In order to carry out its business activities in accordance with this concept, YKK AP upholds the YKK Group Code of Conduct, which consists of 7 principles and 29 bylaws that employees of the YKK Group in all countries and regions must follow with a common understanding, and clearly states that it will not engage in discrimination or the violation of human rights for any reason. This policy complements one of the Code's principles, namely Respect for Human Rights, and both supports and respects international norms on human rights, such as the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
YKK AP Human Rights Policy
At a meeting on March 24, 2023, the YKK AP Board of Directors adopted the YKK AP Human Rights Policy Statement. Accompanying the revision of the YKK Group Human Rights Policy Statement, YKK AP has formulated its own policy that, while sharing the fundamentals of the YKK Group, takes into account the human rights issues that arise in relation to YKK AP's business activities.
Human Rights Relating to Business Activities
YKK AP is aware that addressing the following human rights issues relating to its business activities is a key part of its human rights responsibilities and responds with the following appropriate procedures.
Prohibition on Child Labor and Forced Labor |
YKK AP works to prevent and eliminate child labor, which impedes the healthy growth of children and denies them educational opportunities. As well, we do not tolerate any kind of forced or prison labor. We engage in initiatives to avoid any risk of forced or prison labor occurring in our business activities. |
Prohibitions on Discrimination, Harassment, and Abuse |
YKK AP prohibits employees from committing any form of discrimination, including that based on race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, beliefs, creed, sex, age, physical characteristics, gender identity, or sexual orientation. As well, we do not tolerate any types of behavior that undermine an individual's dignity, including but not limited to, bullying, abuse (including physical, sexual, and mental abuse), or harassment. |
Respect for Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining Rights |
YKK AP respects the basic rights of employees, including the freedom of association and collective bargaining rights. Through dialog and consultation, we build good relationships between management and employees. |
Understanding of Customs and Compliance with Laws and Regulations |
YKK AP works to understand the customs of all the countries and regions in which we conduct business activities, and complies with labor laws and other laws. Should there be such countries and regions in which international human rights are not properly protected by local laws and regulations, YKK AP will seek ways to maximize respect for international human rights principles. |
Respect for Diversity |
YKK AP respects all diversity, including race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, beliefs, creed, sex, age, physical characteristics, gender identity, and sexual orientation, and promotes diversity management. As well, we build systems and environments that enable diverse human resources to fully express their abilities. |
Health and Safety |
In all workplaces, YKK AP strives to prevent industrial accidents and maintain and promote both the physical and mental health of employees, and works to build, maintain, and improve workplace environments that allow safe and secure work. |
Working Hours and Wages |
YKK AP complies with all laws and regulations relating to working hours and wages in the countries and regions in which we conduct our business activities, and endeavors to pay living wages. |
Human Rights Due Diligence
Based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, YKK AP conducts due diligence with respect to human rights. Through this framework, we identify negative human rights impacts and work to prevent or mitigate them.
Reviews and Impact Assessments relating to Human Rights
By assessing new human rights risks, the Human Rights Working Group (WG) established within the Compliance Committee is working to ascertain the current situation and evaluate these risks' importance and severity. In FY2023, a human rights impact assessment was conducted for employees in Japan. In accordance with the YKK Global Criteria of Compliance (YGCC), the YKK Group's compliance standards based on ISO 26000, human rights risks were identified by mapping an assessment of severity and likelihood of occurrence for each human rights issue. Based on the results of the assessment, we have established a governance system and preventive and corrective measures to reduce risks related to "long working hours," "discrimination," "harassment," "workplace accidents," and "leakage of personal information," and are stepping up our efforts accordingly. In addition to the risks identified in the human rights impact assessment, we are also pursuing zero-tolerance initiatives in the areas of "child labor," "forced labor," and "emergency planning and fire safety."
Regarding the supply chain, in FY2023, we began exploring the implementation of risk assessments. In FY2024, we are proceeding with a human rights impact assessment for our overseas employees.
Establishment of Business Partner Consultation and Reporting Channel
If it becomes apparent that a YKK AP business, product or service has caused or contributed to a negative impact on the human rights of anyone affected by that business, product or service, YKK AP will deal with the concerned persons in good faith and work to correct the corporate activities that were the cause of the issue. Furthermore, if it becomes clear that there is a direct relation between a YKK AP business, product or service and a negative impact on human rights, or if such a relation is suspected, we will strive to remedy the situation by communicating with the related party. We will work to build systems by which we can receive the concerns and complaints of stakeholders and strive to solve problems or implement remedies. These systems will include internal and external communication channels by which people who have, or may have, suffered negative impacts to their human rights can communicate with our company.
Human Resources
Our Basic View
Based on the idea of "autonomy and coexistence," YKK Group creates systems and environments in which each and every employee can demonstrate their full potential, regardless of age, gender, educational background, and so on. The goal is to create a "Forest Organization," a company in which every employee has a consciousness of being a manager, and grows strongly together as a group, like a forest that is made up of individual trees. To create value as such an organization, we work to develop human resources and achieve truly fair personnel systems.
Regarding the reform of the personnel system, we are further focusing on "performance-based meritocracy" in terms of roles, under the philosophy of "fairness," "job (role)," and "autonomy," while aiming for equality of roles, results, and treatment regardless of age, gender, educational background, or nationality. In the past, we operated a system for the rehiring of retired employees up to age 65, but we abolished the mandatory retirement age system in FY 2021. This makes it possible for individuals to work regardless of their age as long as they are able to fulfill the role required by the company. The company supports independent working styles by clarifying the expected working methods and the abilities and experience needed to perform roles, and provides opportunities for employees to forge their own careers and put forth their own intentions.
Basic Data
* Missing parts of the table can be viewed by sliding the cursor to the side.FY2020 | FY2021 | FY2022 | FY2023 | ||
Number of employees | 12,484 | 12,819 | 12,802 | 12,991 | |
Ratio of male to female employees | Men 74% Women 26% |
Men 74% Women 26% |
Men 74% Women 26% |
Men 73% Women 27% |
Average age | Men 43.6 years old Women 41.0 years old |
Men 43.8 years old Women 41.3 years old |
Men 44.2 years old Women 41.8 years old |
Men 44.3 years old Women 42.0 years old |
Number of employees by age group | 10s-20s | 2,137 | 2,308 | 2,277 | 2,358 |
30s | 2,495 | 2,431 | 2,344 | 2,319 | |
40s | 3,733 | 3,629 | 3,445 | 3,300 | |
50s | 3,147 | 3,373 | 3,619 | 3,834 | |
60s and above | 972 | 1,078 | 1,117 | 1,180 | |
Personnel turnover rate | 2.4% | 2.6% | 2.6% | 2.3% | |
Average length of service | Men 20.8 years Women 18.1 years |
Men 20.7 years Women 18.3 years |
Men 21.0 years Women 18.7 years |
Men 20.9 years Women 18.6 years |
YKK AP Group(Japan)Results
* Missing parts of the table can be viewed by sliding the cursor to the side.FY2020 | FY2021 | FY2022 | FY2023 | |
Number of employees | 4,328 | 4,158 | 4,341 | 4,843 |
YKK AP Group(overseas)Results
Promoting Diversity & Inclusion
YKK AP has issued the "Diversity & Inclusion Declaration" with the aim of utilizing the diversity of human resources to create new value and increase our future competitiveness in the international community. In addition to promoting systems such as flextime work and telework, a system has been in place since FY2022 that allows employees to apply for a change of work location if they wish to accompany their spouse on a job transfer, allowing them to continue their careers without having to resign. In addition to establishing environments and designing systems that enable a diverse range of human resources to play an active role, as priority issues, we are striving to strengthen the hiring of female employees and support their career development, as well as to expand and consolidate the employment of persons with disabilities.
FY2020 | FY2021 | FY2022 | FY2023 | |
Rate of mid-career hires | 32.4% | 34.9% | 44.5% | 58.0% |
Rate of women among new hires | 34.8% | 28.0% | 29.2% | 30.2% |
Ratio of men's to women's wages | 68.6% | 68.6% | 69.7% | 68.8% |
Ratio of men's to women's wages per managerial position | 86.4% | 86.4% | 87.7% | 88.4% |
Number of women in management positions | 110 | 113 | 122 | 133 |
Female management rate | 5.9% | 5.8% | 6.2% | 6.5% |
Number of women in Section Manager positions or equivalent | 389 | 411 | 447 | 474 |
Rate of persons with disabilities among employees | 2.33% | 2.28% | 2.30% | 2.44% |
YKK AP(non-consolidated) Results
Work Style
FY2020 | FY2021 | FY2022 | FY2023 | |
Take-up rate of annual paid leave | 60.9% | 67.1% | 71.3% | 76.7% |
Total actual hours worked per person (annual) | 1,854 hours | 1,983 hours | 1,974 hours | 1,963 hours |
Number of employees using childcare leave | Men 156 Women 103 |
Men 134 Women 78 |
Men 169 Women 90 |
Men 157 Women 74 |
Rate of employees who take childcare leave* | Men 64.2% Women 93.6% |
Men 53.2% Women 97.5% |
Men 73.2% Women 96.6% |
Men 67.7% Women 102.8% |
Number of employees using nursing care leave | 2 | 0 | 3 | 5 |
YKK AP(non-consolidated) Results
Note:Until FY2021, calculated based on the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare's Basic Survey of Gender Equality in Employment Management.
From FY2022 onwards, calculated in accordance with the method of publication under the revised Act on Childcare Leave and Caregiver Leave. For FY2022, the number of employees who took childcare leave across fiscal years is included.
Human Resources Development
FY2020 | FY2021 | FY2022 | FY2023 | |
Number of times employees obtained qualifications eligible for public qualification incentives | 1,837 | 2,548 | 1,748 | 1,313 |
Number of employees sent by the company to obtain degrees*1 | 8 | 13 | 17 | 21 |
"Value Creation Academy," the next-generation leader development program | ||||
9 (195) | 9 (195) | 9 (204) | 9 (204) |
25 | 29 | 32 | 34 |
YKK AP(non-consolidated) Results
*1 Degrees counted in the cumulative total: PhD, MBA, MOT
*2 Figures in parentheses indicate cumulative number of participants
*3 cumulative total of employees
Employee Engagement
In Japan, we have been conducting an engagement survey of YKK AP Group employees, excluding temporary employees, since FY2021. Although FY2022 saw a decline in engagement to 49%, this figure rose to 50% in FY2023 with a reduction in overtime rates and an increase in the take-up rate of annual paid leave. Engagement as measured in this survey is considered one of the most important items with respect to human capital, and we will conduct follow-up on an ongoing basis.
FY2020 | FY2021 | FY2022 | FY2023 | |
Employee engagement | - | 51% | 49% | 50% |
YKK AP(non-consolidated) Results
Results of periodic internal engagement survey (rate of positive responses)
Industrial Health and Safety
Industrial Injury
FY2020 | FY2021 | FY2022 | FY2023 | |
Frequency of work-related accidents*1 | 0.20 | 0.31 | 0.22 | 0.10 |
Annual rate of work-related accidents per 1,000 persons*2 | 0.10 | 0.07 | 0.09 | 0.08 |
Work-related accident severity rate*3 | 0.01 | 0.02 | 0.01 | 0.00 |
*1 YKK AP(Japan) Results
The number of work-related fatalities and injuries that result in one or more days of absence from work or the loss of a body part or its function.
Calculated as "the number of fatalities and injuries due to work-related accidents / the total number of actual working hours × 1,000,000"
*2 YKK AP Group (overseas) Results
The number of work-related fatalities and injuries that result in one or more days of absence from work or the loss of a body part or its function.
Calculated as "the number of fatalities and injuries (one or more days of absence from work) per year / the average number of workers per year x 1,000"
*3 YKK AP Group (Japan) Results
Calculated as "the total number of days of lost labor (one or more days of absence from work) / the total number of actual working hours x 1,000"
Health Management
Our Basic View
We view the health of our employees and their families as a management issue, and under our "Health Declaration" adopted in 2018, we have promoted the establishment of a healthy environment, etc., to reduce lifestyle-related diseases and control psychological disorders. As such, we have been recognized as a "2024 Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization (Large Corporation Division)."
Health Declaration
YKK AP aspires to become a company where all employees are able to work with pride and pleasure.
We believe that a prerequisite for achieving this goal is for all our employees and their family members to maintain and improve their mental and physical health, which will enable every employee to demonstrate their unique qualities and capabilities to the maximum and to propel our company's growth and contribute to society.
Based on this concept, our company, Health Insurance Society, employees and their families are united in their endeavors for health promotion.
Fundamental Health Promotion Policy
The YKK Group sees the health of its employees are an important company asset, and we work with employees to promote good health by supporting the ability of each employee to continue working on good physical and mental health and reducing lifestyle-related disease and mental illness.
Health Promotion Structure

Health Promotion Targets and Initiatives
YKK implements various initiatives based on policies and plans formulated by the "YKK Group Health Promotion Council".
[Action Targets (Japan)]
01. Take action to reduce lifestyle-related disease
02. Take measures to reduce mental illness
03. Take measures to support a balance between treatment for illness and work
We are promoting both prevention and treatment through a nationwide system of health management centers and industrial physicians. To prevent lifestyle-related disease, we are working to improve the quality of health management through employee health evaluations using a health management support system, promoting the implementation of post-checkup measures, and cooperating with the Health Insurance Society to encourage lifestyle improvements. We are also taking steps to create workplaces with zero secondhand smoke throughout the company. To prevent mental health issues, we are expanding mental health training, supporting self-care using a stress check system, and improving work environments.
[Initiatives for health promotion]
We have established a health consultation service both inside and outside the company to promote the maintenance of employee physical and mental health. Inside the company, employees can consult with industrial physicians at business locations and nurses at health management centers, at any time. We also work with external organizations to provide appropriate mental healthcare for employees through counseling by e-mail, by phone, and via remote interviews. This program makes it possible for employees to consult with counselors about a wide variety of concerns regarding their future and their career, etc., and also promotes mental health and increases motivation for work. We help employees to engage in their work actively and comfortably through these efforts.
Health Management Indicators
FY2020 | FY2021 | FY2022 | FY2023 | |
Percentage of people taking the stress check | 97.6% | 95.5% | 97.2% | 98.0% |
Rate of highly stressed persons (the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare standards) | 14.6% | 14.6% | 14.7% | 16.0% |
Percentage of people who exercise regularly (Exercise for 30 minutes or more a day for once or more a week) |
45.3% | 44.8% | 46.5% | 44.6% |
Take-up rate of regular health checks | 99.7% | 99.8% | 99.9% | 99.9% |
Take-up rate of full medical examinations | 66.5% | 70.3% | 68.0% | -* |
Percentage of people with metabolic syndrome | 18.1% | 18.3% | 18.6% | -* |
Percentage of people targeted for special health guidance | 21.7% | 20.8% | 20.6% | -* |
Percentage of people undergoing special health guidance | 49.4% | 57.8% | 54.1% | -* |
Percentage of smokers | 30.7% | 29.3% | 28.6% | 28.3% |
Number of days of long-term absence due to mental illness (days of absence) | 12,985 days | 12,650 days | 16,267 days | 20,397 days |
Presenteeism (average score) (WHO-HPQ absolute presenteeism) |
59 points | 62 points | 61 points | 62 points |
Participation rate in health promotion campaigns | 67.4% | 67.5% | 69.5% | 67.9% |
YKK AP(non-consolidated) Results
*Numbers for FY2023 are currently being aggregated
Customer Satisfaction
Our Basic View
The YKK Group provides products in response to societal and market demands with particular attention paid to quality based on an integrated production philosophy. We adopted the YKK Group Quality Charter to make clear our stance of continuing to value this concept even as the times change.
[YKK AP Product Safety Basic Policy]
In order to contribute to establishing a culture of product safety as promoted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry as well as to bring the entire company together and work as one to actively implement product safety efforts so that we can provide our customers with safety and security, YKK AP Inc. adopted the YKK AP Product Safety Basic Policy, comprised of the Product Safety Pledge and Product Safety Action Guidelines, at its Board of Directors meeting on November 21, 2008.
While the YKK Group has conducted its business activities centered on its commitment to quality since its founding, we will take this opportunity to further strengthen our efforts in pursuit of product safety.
Promotion System for Improving Customer Satisfaction
We are working to realize a quality assurance cycle by feeding back customer requests to product development.
Facilities for Improving Customer Satisfaction
- YKK AP Experience Showroom (for professional users): These facilities allow architects and designers to experience the performance of YKK AP windows for themselves.
- Collaboration Showroom (for general customers): These facilities allow customers to "see, touch, and feel" products from three manufacturers of architectural products for residential properties, including YKK AP.
In addition, we have released "Ouchi de Showroom (showroom at home)," web content that allows visitors to get hints for selecting products from the comfort of their own home, just as if they were visiting a showroom.
FY2020 | FY2021 | FY2022 | FY2023 | |
Number of visitor groups to YKK AP Experience Showrooms | 478 | 625 | 1,250 | 1,707 |
Number of visitor groups to Alliance Collaboration Showrooms | 52,318 | 63,635 | 76,811 | 95,039 |
YKK AP(non-consolidated) Results
Initiatives for Improving Customer Satisfaction
[FE(Field Engineers)]
The Field Technical Center (FTC), located in Fabrication Technology Department in the Manufacturing Division, was launched to provide technical support to enhance the competitiveness of distributors, as well as offering training and guidance on assembly and delivery to ensure product quality. Assigned to the FTC are 39 FEs, who work at 14 locations nationwide and are active on the front lines of installation sites. By expanding the educational program for FEs and providing technical guidance at training sessions for professional users in each area, we will ensure final quality and conduct education on defect prevention. Further, in addition to visiting the site and investigating the causes when a fault has occurred, they provide feedback to the FTC and Product Development, leading to improved products.
[Maintenance support]
Less than five years after launching the YKK AP Certified Maintenance Technician Association in 2019, more than 300 technicians with a wide range of skills have now joined, strengthening our response capabilities. In addition, there are more than 600 certified maintenance technicians who have taken technical training courses sponsored by YKK AP and have cleared certain standards, and they play an active role in maintenance support in each area. We have also newly enhanced our warranty scheme, launching an extended warranty scheme on October 31, 2023. Through initiatives like this, we are committed to further improving our services to address our customers' future concerns.
FY2020 | FY2021 | FY2022 | FY2023 | |
Number of participants attending workshops given by FEs | 5,871 | 9,129 | 11,075 | 11,714 |
Number of certified maintenance technicians | 531 | 521 | 525 | 612 |
YKK AP(non-consolidated) Results
Supply Chain Management
YKK Group Procurement Policy
YKK Group enforces a procurement policy consisting of organizational governance, human rights, labor practices, the environment, fair business practices, and consumer issues. This policy is used as a basis for conducting CSR procurement aimed at fulfilling our social responsibilities throughout the supply chain. In order to deepen mutual understanding with our business partners, we have established our Basic Principles of Procurement that stipulate the following five principles: Compliance with laws, regulations, and social norms along with fair and ethical transactions; Consideration for human rights and the labor environment; Consideration for health, safety, and the environment; Quality and product safety assurance; and Information security assurance.
Basic Principles of Procurement
For this reason, and so that we may promote mutual understanding with our trading partners, the YKK Group has specified the following requests as "Basic Principles of Procurement". We ask for your understanding and assent, and we hope that you will join us in the fulfillment of our responsibilities to society.
Supply Chain Management Data
In FY2022, we conducted a CSR survey of 1,184 suppliers with whom we have concluded agreements on the Basic Transaction Principles. In FY2023, we conducted a CSR survey with more in-depth questions for our major business partners and 106 suppliers who handle particularly important materials and components.
We will continue to undertake improvement activities based on analysis of the results of this CSR survey and strive for mutual understanding with our suppliers.
FY2020 | FY2021 | FY2022 | FY2023 | |
Number of companies that we have concluded an agreement with regarding the basic transaction principles* | 58 | 821 | 1,184 | 1,226 |
Number of companies for which CSR surveys have been implemented | - | 48 | 1,184 | |
Number of companies for which the revised CSR survey has been implemented | 106 |
YKK AP(non-consolidated) Results
Note: Cumulative total of companies
Innovation Management
With development and technical research bases in Kurobe and Tokyo in Japan, as well as in Germany and Indonesia, we conduct research, development, and verification on a global scale to create value from the customer's perspective and to improve our technological capabilities. In FY2023, we launched the Technical Research Division to step up research and study of new technologies with an eye to the future. Among other activities, it is engaged in the development of recycling technologies for product materials in order to achieve a circular society. We also conduct joint research with various research institutions and dispatch employees to graduate schools. Furthermore, we are putting our efforts into strategic management and application of intellectual assets, with the aim of improving our competitiveness and brand value through patent applications and ownership of patent rights.
Number of Patents Held

YKK AP Group (Japan and overseas) Results
Stakeholder Communication
Approach to Stakeholder Engagement
YKK AP collaborates with all stakeholders, including employees, customers, business partners, and local communities, to continue being a company that is trusted by the community and loved by society. We strive to improve our corporate value by providing a place for dialog as necessary to be of use in business innovation and product quality improvement.
Our "Multi-Stakeholder Policy" is formulated based on a recognition of the importance of value co-creation between a variety of stakeholders - including employees, clients, end users, and regional communities - in our business operations according to YKK AP's Purpose of "We Build a Better Society Through Architectural Products." Please refer to the following link for details on our policy and our concrete initiatives at implementing it.
Opportunities for communication with various stakeholders.
Stakeholders | Relationship with stakeholders | An Example of Communication |
Customers |
Provide better products and services
Business partners |
Sustainable business initiatives through partnerships
Suppliers and vendors |
Promotion of social responsibility in our supply chain
Local communities |
Promoting social responsibility as a corporate citizen
Employees |
Dialogue with management, and the Employee Stockholding Association (YKK "Koyu-Kai" Partnership)