Basic Data

Editorial Policy

This "YKK AP Sustainability Data Book 2024" is a data-focused compilation of sustainability-related information disclosed in the "YKK AP Integrated Report 2024" and on the YKK AP website. Please refer to the "YKK AP Integrated Report 2024" and "YKK AP Environmental Report 2024" in conjunction with the website.
We will continue to improve the report to make it easier to understand, taking into account your opinions, with the aim of making it a communication tool that contributes to dialogue with our stakeholders.

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FY2024 YKK AP Report Structure

Note: The other YKK Group reports published by YKK are This is YKK (Integrated Report), the YKK Annual Securities Report, and the YKK Group Business Report.

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Publication date November 2024
Period covered
Report scope
FY 2023 (April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024)
Note: This report partially includes information outside the coverage period
YKK AP Inc./ YKK AP Affiliated Companies/YKK AP Overseas Affiliated Companies
Company data Corporate Name    YKK AP Inc.
Headquarters Address    1, Kanda Izumi-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-0024, Japan
Capital Stock    14.0 billion yen
Established    July 22, 1957
Accounting Period    March 31 of every year
Number of employees
(Japan / Overseas)
*As of the end of each fiscal year
(Japan) 12,991 (FY2023)
12,802(FY2022)    12,819(FY2021)    12,484(FY2020)
*YKK AP Group(Japan)
(Overseas) 4,843 (FY2023)
4,341(FY2022)    4,158(FY2021)    4,328(FY2020)
*YKK AP Group(Overseas)
Affiliated companies
  • Domestic Affiliated Companies
    YKK AP Okinawa Inc.
    Pros Inc.
    Iwabuchi Inc.
    YKK AP Ruxy Inc.
    Nitto Inc.
    YKK AP Healthcare Inc.
  • Overseas Affiliated Companies
    YHS International Ltd.
    Siam Metal Co., Ltd.
    Bhoruka Extrusions Private Limited
    YKK AP Technologies Lab (NA) Inc.
Business sites
(Japan / Overseas)
Japan:194    Overseas:58
Manufacturing sites
(Japan / Overseas)
Japan:24    Overseas:12

Financial Data

* Missing parts of the table can be viewed by sliding the cursor to the side.
  FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Net sales (consolidated)* 402.8 billion yen 446.3 billion yen 508.6 billion yen 538.1 billion yen
Net sales (domestic total) 353.2 billion yen 388.6 billion yen 425.7 billion yen 450.4 billion yen
    Net sales by business segment (Residential) 174.7 billion yen 186.7 billion yen 196.4 billion yen 214.8 billion yen
    Net sales by business segment (Commercial) 102.5 billion yen 114.8 billion yen 134.3 billion yen 140.4 billion yen
    Net sales by business segment (Exterior) 57.7 billion yen 63.0 billion yen 65.0 billion yen 63.1 billion yen
    Net sales by business segment (Other) 18.0 billion yen 23.9 billion yen 29.8 billion yen 32.2 billion yen
Net sales (overseas total) 66.2 billion yen 79.7 billion yen 115.8 billion yen 119.5 billion yen
    Net sales by region (North America) 30.2 billion yen 34.9 billion yen 49.3 billion yen 49.4 billion yen
    Net sales by region (China) 20.6 billion yen 23.9 billion yen 33.7 billion yen 31.1 billion yen
    Net sales by region (Asia) 15.3 billion yen 20.8 billion yen 32.8 billion yen 39.0 billion yen
Overseas ratio 13% 14% 17% 18%
Operating income* 20.9 billion yen 17.3 billion yen 17.8 billion yen 25.6 billion yen
Operating income margin* 5.2% 3.9% 3.5% 4.8%
Ordinary income* 23.0 billion yen 18.6 billion yen 21.3 billion yen 28.3 billion yen
Net income attributable to owners of parent company* 21.3 billion yen 11.1 billion yen 15.2 billion yen 18.8 billion yen
Comprehensive income* 48.3 billion yen 19.7 billion yen 27.6 billion yen 48.7 billion yen
Net assets* 225.1 billion yen 241.8 billion yen 266.0 billion yen 312.1 billion yen
Total assets* 389.7 billion yen 426.5 billion yen 455.8 billion yen 478.8 billion yen
Return on assets (ROA) 5.5% 2.7% 3.5% 4.0%
Equity ratio 56.9% 56.2% 57.9% 64.6%
Return on equity (ROE) 9.6% 4.8% 6.1% 6.6%
Cash flow from operating activities* 29.6 billion yen 26.9 billion yen 32.3 billion yen 53.4 billion yen
Cash flow from investing activities* △3.8 billion yen △19.8 billion yen △22.8 billion yen △44.1 billion yen
Cash flow from financing activities* △9.6 billion yen △5.4 billion yen △4.9 billion yen △5.6 billion yen
Ending balance of cash and cash equivalents* 27.2 billion yen 31.7 billion yen 37.6 billion yen 46.8 billion yen
Capital investments 14.8 billion yen 20.6 billion yen 29.6 billion yen 44.4 billion yen
Sustainability investment - - - 3.9 billion yen
R&D expenses 8.0 billion yen 9.0 billion yen 9.3 billion yen 10.6 billion yen
Depreciation expense* 18.1 billion yen 18.5 billion yen 19.6 billion yen 20.5 billion yen
Ratio of R&D expenditures to sales 2.0% 2.0% 1.8% 2.0%

Transactions with parties inside the Group have been offset in net sales (consolidated).
The overseas ratio is the proportion of overseas sales out of net sales to external customers.
Return on assets (ROA) for FY2020 is calculated based on total assets at the end of the fiscal year, as this was the first year of consolidation.
Return on equity (ROE) for FY2020 is calculated based on ending equity capital, as this was the first year of consolidation.
Sustainability investment represents the amount ordered for the current fiscal year.
Figures have not been audited by a certified accountant or audit firm.
*The consolidated financial data for profit and loss, financial status, financial indicators, and cash flow have been reviewed by an audit firm since FY2021.


YKK Group and YKK AP Philosophy

At the core of YKK AP's business activities are the "YKK Philosophy," the "Management Principle," and the "Purpose." These ideals form the basis of employees' conduct and management decisions.
Taking these to heart, YKK AP will continue to take on the challenges presented by this new era, and aim to be a company that builds a better society.

YKK Philosophy Cycle of Goodness®

As an important member of society, a company survives through coexistence. When the benefits are shared, the value of the company's existence will be recognized by society. When pursuing his business, YKK's founder, Tadao Yoshida was most concerned with that aspect, and would find a path leading to mutual prosperity. He believed that using ingenuity and inventiveness in business activities and constantly creating new value would lead to the prosperity of clients and business partners, making it possible to contribute to society. This way of thinking is referred to as the Cycle of Goodness, and has always served as the foundation of our business activities. We have inherited this way of thinking and have established this as the YKK Philosophy.

Management Principle "YKK seeks corporate value of higher significance."

The YKK Group's Management Principle, based on the spirit of the Cycle of Goodness, is "YKK seeks corporate value of higher significance." We aspire to become a company that is appreciated by our customers, valued by society, and where all employees are able to work with pride and pleasure. As a means to achieve this, we will enhance the quality of our products, technology, and management. In putting these into practice, we always place Fairness at the foundation of all our business activities. This Management Principle was formulated in 1994 by Tadahiro Yoshida, then president of YKK and YKK AP.

Purpose We Build a Better Society Through Architectural Products.

YKK AP's Purpose expresses our desire to be a company that contributes to society through our products and services. That is, to continue to meet the desires of our customers and business partners with the Architectural Products that form the structural elements of houses and buildings. In doing so, we continue to be a company that contributes to customers, business partners, and society at large. While carrying on the ideals embodied in the company name "YKK AP," we aspire to remain an integral and essential part of this ever-changing society.

"Purpose"−Defines our ideas at YKK AP

Through "Architectural Products," that is, industrial products for architecture such as windows, doors, curtain walls, and exterior products, we will continue to pursue technology and beauty in architecture. To use our products to contribute to energy conservation and CO2 reduction, to contribute to comfortable living, and to build a better society as a whole by accumulating each small happiness one by one. YKK AP's Purpose is the embodiment of these ideas.
Our hope is that, by connecting people, planet and the future, we can work to create a better society.

Initiatives to Instill our Philosophy

In order to support sustainable business growth, YKK AP is working to create an environment in which employees are conscious of the YKK Philosophy, Management Principle, and Purpose in their daily work. One example of this is the "talking sessions," where employees at each location and division share their own practices and ideas. These meetings are held annually to create opportunities for every employee to think about the connection between their work and the YKK Philosophy, Management Principle, and Purpose, and to help these ideals become widely understood and embraced. Through communication based on exchange and dialogue, we aim to foster a sense of unity in each division and the company as a whole, as well as to develop the people and culture that will support sustainable growth. In FY2023, talking sessions were held at all of the approximately 2,000 divisions in Japan (sales, development, technology, manufacturing, and management).

Concept of Sustainability

Corporate Social Responsibility Based on the YKK Philosophy

[Fundamental Approach]

Ever since YKK's founding, the spiritual pillar of all YKK Group business activities has been the Cycle of Goodness YKK Philosophy, which embodies our belief that no one prospers without rendering benefit to others.
An enterprise is an important member of society, and as such it must coexist with other elements of society. The value of its existence will be recognized by the benefits it shares with society.
In pursuing our business, YKK has devoted great attention to the way in which we can realize such mutual prosperity–that this can be best achieved by the continual creation of new value through innovative ideas and inventions. This would result in business expansion for the YKK Group, which in turn would bring prosperity to consumers and trading partners, and thus benefit all society.
Every YKK company based in more than 70 countries and regions around the world shares the Cycle of Goodness philosophy and the management principle "YKK seeks corporate value of higher significance." "Fairness" is the standard on which we base our conduct.

[The YKK Group's Corporate Social Responsibility]

We do not take lightly our responsibilities as a good corporate citizen, not only toward society but also in the execution of fair business management. Significant changes are taking place in the environments that surround the YKK Group. Whether in Japan or abroad, it is our duty to respect diversity—of cultures, customs, and viewpoints—and play a role in the development of society through our business operations. The YKK Group is committed to helping build a more sustainable society through its main businesses. The YKK Group promotes initiatives aimed at realization of a sustainable society through its core businesses by implementation of the YKK Philosophy Cycle of Goodness and its Management Principle "YKK seeks corporate value of higher significance."

Materiality and Indicators


To drive our sustained growth, we have identified Materiality (priority issues) for FY2021 based on our Purpose. We have established systems to make progress on the materiality issues, and are further advancing individual initiatives by setting KPIs.

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"Human Resources" to support sustainable growth "Monozukuri" to support resolution of social issues through products and competitiveness "Trust/Reliance" to fulfill social responsibility
  • Diversity & inclusion
  • Establishment of a fulfilling working environment
  • Development and training of human resources to create new value
  • Respect for human rights
  • Co-creation with stakeholders
  • Generating innovation
  • Products/services which continue to solve social issues
  • Fair business practices
  • Resilient business foundation
  • Co-existence with the environment

The approach to identifying materiality issues and the identification process

To identify materiality issues, we began with our company's Purpose that we established in 2021. The Purpose consists of three key elements:

  • The "Human Resources" to support sustainable growth, indicated by "the spirit of curiosity and exploration,"
  • The resolution of social issues through products and the "Monozukuri" at its source, indicated by "art and technology" and "architectural products of true value,"
  • "Trust / Reliance" to fulfill our social responsibility, indicated by "connecting people to nature and the future."

With these elements as the core, we added a "management perspective" related to sustainable business growth and a social perspective related to sustainable social development.
For the management perspective, we extracted themes with high impact on our business from the business policy. For the social perspective, we analyzed the importance to each of the stakeholders and extracted materiality issue candidates. And from the candidates extracted from these perspectives, we selected the most important ten items as our materiality issues.

Analysis of the external environment

  • The Global Risks Report 2021, published by the World Economic Forum.
  • Non-financial information disclosure standards of the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), a non-profit organization in the U.S.A.

Employee awareness survey/Analysis of key issues for business partners

  • Employee awareness survey conducted in FY2020
  • Identified key issues raised by major business partners and calculated the level of importance of each

Reviews by board members

January through May 2021

Considered materiality with focus on the Purpose discussed by employees and officers and formulated by resolution of the Board of Directors. Possible choices were submitted for subsequent deliberation and resolution by the Board of Directors.

June 2021 onward

The "Materiality Promotion Working Group" is under the direct control of the "ESG General Meeting," headed by the President, to promote and manage KPIs for the materiality that we have drawn up.

The 6th Mid-term Materiality Targets

The materiality (priority issues) set forth for FY2021 were identified based on our Purpose. We have established a promotion department for each materiality, and are working to tackle them through implementation of the 6th Mid-term Management Plan (FY2021–FY2024).

The 6th Mid-term Materiality Targets and promotion departments

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The 6th Mid-term Materiality Targets and promotion departments

Extent of coverage ◇1: YKK AP (non-consolidated) ◇2: YKK AP Group (Japan) ◇3: YKK AP Group (Japan and overseas *1:Until FY2021, calculated based on the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare's Basic Survey of Gender Equality in Employment Management. From FY2022 onwards, calculated in accordance with the method of publication under the revised Act on Childcare Leave and Caregiver Leave. For FY2022, the number of employees who took childcare leave across fiscal years is included. *2:In FY2021 and FY2022, the survey was conducted for business partners with whom an agreement on the Basic Transaction Principles had been concluded. *3:In FY2023 and FY2024, the survey was conducted for large-lot business partners and business partners that handle particularly important materials and components. *4:Defined as architectural products that contribute to achieving the SDGs by solving priority social issues such as energy conservation, easy installation, disaster prevention/mitigation, safety/security, and health/hygiene.

Materiality promotion system

We have established a promotion department for each materiality and are stepping up our initiatives accordingly. Furthermore, the ESG General Meeting, headed by the President, consists of the Environmental Policy Board Committee that takes the lead on environmental topics, the Brand Management Committee that handles social topics, and the Compliance Committee, which handles governance. Each is chaired by the President or an Executive Vice President. The "Materiality Promotion Working Group," which reports directly to the ESG General Meeting, conducts materiality efforts and manages KPIs in cooperation with the ESG General Meeting and the promotion department for each materiality.

Materiality Promotion system

Supported Initiatives, Certifications, and Key External Assessments

Supported Initiatives and Groups, Certifications

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January 2019 Obtains Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) Certification (renewed in February 2021)
May 2019 YKK AP has endorsed the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
May 2021 Signs United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)
June 2022 YKK AP Endorses the Japan Climate Initiative Message
June 2022 Formulates and publishes the Declaration of Partnership Building in support of the aims of the Conference for the Promotion of Building Partnerships for the Future promoted by the Cabinet Office, the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency, and other organizations
October 2022 Participates in the Japan Partnership for Circular Economy (J4CE)
April 2023 YKK AP is Certified by the Ministry of the Environment as an Eco-First Company
April 2023 Participates in the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's "GX League"
May 2023 Joins the Japan Climate Leaders Partnership (JCLP), a group of companies committed to realizing a sustainable decarbonized society
August 2023 YKK AP Receives Resilience Certification for Contributions to National Resilience
February 2024 Participates in "Circular Partners," a partnership led by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry to promote collaboration between industry, government, and academia

Evaluations of Product Safety Initiatives

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November 2017 Maintained certification as a Gold product safety companies (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)
In 2017, YKK AP received the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award for the third time at the Product Safety Awards (PS Awards) and was certified as a "Gold Contributor to Product Safety." The first followup, which is conducted every five years after certification, was conducted, and certification was extended in January 2023.

Major Award Topics for the Year

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September 4, 2023 YKK AP (THAILAND) CO., LTD. Showroom Receives Design Excellence Award 2023 for Excellence in Interior Design
September 27 YKK AP Inc. M30 face recognition automatic door for single - family homes wins Incentive Award (Kids Design Association Chairperson's Award) at the 17th Kids Design Awards
October 4 YKK AP AMERICA INC. "T Series Entrance Systems" and "YHS 50 TU Storefront System" win at the BLT Built Design Awards 2023
October 18 YKK AP FACADE PTE. LTD. Awarded the Systems Award at the CTBUH Awards 2023
November 23 YKK AP Inc. Ranked No. 1 in "sashes for single-family homes" for 13 consecutive years, No. 1 in "entrance doors for single-family homes" for 8 consecutive years, and No. 1 in "aluminum sashes and curtain walls for commercial buildings" for 19 consecutive years in "Most Desirable Architectural Products and Equipment Manufacturers Ranking 2023 (Nikkei Architecture)"
December 7 YKK AP TAIWAN CO., LTD. No. 1 in the sash category for 12 consecutive years in the "manufacturer of the most desirable architectural products and facilities for use in an ideal home" survey
March 20, 2024 YKK AP CO., LTD. Selected for the 13th consecutive time in the windows category of the Desirable Architectural Products Brand Award
March 29 YKK AP Inc. Achieved an "Outstanding Business Operator (Class S)" rating under the Energy Conservation Act's Business Operator Classification Evaluation System for nine consecutive years