News Releases

According to a Follow-up Review for the “Best Contributors to Product Safety Awards” Sponsored by METI

YKK AP is Once Again Certified as a Gold Product Safety Company

Corporate Information

YKK AP Inc. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President: Hidemitsu Hori) announced that it had once again been certified for the “Best Contributors to Product Safety Awards” (PS Awards) sponsored by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) according to a follow-up review—one of which is conducted every five years after a company is certified as a Gold Product Safety Company—which assessed the continuity and development of its initiatives.

Presentation of the certification notice for the renewal review

(Left: Keisuke Tsujimoto, METI Director-General for Technology Policy Coordination and Industrial and Product Safety
Right: Hidemitsu Hori, YKK AP President and Representative Director)

Logo for Gold Product Safety Companies

(When a company passes a review, which is conducted every five years, a ★star is added to the logo)

At the Best Contributors to Product Safety Awards, YKK APP has been awarded the METI Minister’s Award—the highest award, given by METI to companies and organizations for excellent product safety efforts—three times (FY2010, FY2014, and FY2017) in the Large Manufacturer and Importer Category. Since November 2017, YKK AP has been certified as a Gold Product Safety Company. This certification is subject to a follow-up review by a review committee every five years to confirm that the company has maintained its efforts as a Gold Product Safety Company.

As a result of the follow-up review, YKK AP was recognized for its new efforts to achieve a higher level of product safety while maintaining and developing its past initiatives, and will continue to be certified as a Gold Product Safety Company.

YKK AP will maintain its commitment to product safety and strive to provide products and services that customers can use with confidence.

<Evaluated Initiatives>

●“User Verification" and "Field Verification" at the Value Verification Center

YKK AP continues to promote the verification and creation of standards for various risks assumed during the process of commercialization and use through "field verification" that is based on the assumption of increasingly serious natural disasters, as well as "user verification," which focuses on the actual living conditions of consumers.

Notably, YKK AP was recognized in this review for promoting consumer verification through innovations such as online home visits, despite the difficulty in visiting customers’ homes amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. We were also recognized for our willingness to promote product safety in conjunction with other companies in and outside the industry by introducing them to company facilities, including the Value Verification Center, and inviting them to visit.

●Passing down expertise

YKK AP is working to ensure that veteran employees pass down their experience, knowledge, and technical skills, so that design expertise will be inherited by younger employees.

The "Awareness Skills Development" training program for young employees, which aims to help them grasp the essence of things and acquire the knowledge to control risks, was highly

rated. Within this program, the methods used to conceptualize higher-level factors in past incidents, then horizontally develop a broad range of lower-level factors, won particular acclaim.

YKK AP received high marks for stationing its field engineers—who provide technical support to vendors that handle YKK AP products and respond to problems by obtaining on-site information and continuously providing feedback to the development team—at divisions all over the country. We were also recognized for introducing and operating an in-house qualification system aimed at improving the response capabilities and technical prowess of field engineers.

●Providing information for various audiences

YKK AP creates and provides manuals such as booklets and videos for various audiences, including assembly and installation businesses. For customers, the company also provides guidebooks that organize information from the perspective of actual users, as well as easy-to-understand video instruction manuals.

In this review, YKK AP was once again commended for improving the content of instruction manuals communicated from a consumer viewpoint

after evaluating what was high-risk and low-risk depending on the frequency of handling and working with architectural products. In addition, it was recognized for its efforts to prevent accidents that occur when children use windows and doors by using drills and online games, featuring the popular children's character Unko-sensei, to warn children about the danger of such accidents.

<Reference Material>

YKK AP Product Safety Basic Policy

News Release on Winning the METI Minister’s Award at the 11th Best Contributors to Product Safety Awards FY2017 (in Japanese only)

What are the Best Contributors to Product Safety Awards?

This is a system which invites a wide range of manufacturers, importers, retailers, and various organizations which are actively engaged in product safety to submit applications on a company-by-company basis, and after a rigorous review, the winners are honored as "Best Contributors to Product Safety." Companies with outstanding product safety measures, and that have willingly improved their own initiatives based on objective assessment results, are reviewed by this award system on a continuous basis. Those which have received the METI Minister’s Award or won a Gold Medal a total of three times are certified as "Gold Product Safety Companies."

Download the full news release in PDF format.

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* The news releases posted here were current at the time of their publication. Please note that sales may have ended or prices and specifications may have changed by the time you view this information.